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About Us


learnNheal springs from Advent Healthcare Pvt Ltd founded by Dr Tarun Sahni. We are a team of dedicated professionals who intend to design and enable solutions bringing you « learning without boundaries ».

We train medical professionals willing to take an active role in the development of Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment, which needs to be deployed in India to benefit numerous patients suffering from a wide range of illnesses or pains.


Hyperbaric treatment is currently a niche area. Our offer represents a unique opportunity to upgrade your skills and grow your career, by becoming a certified Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment Practitioner.

Our e-learning solutions are modular, accessible in your own time, at a much lower cost than traditional courses, avoiding location, time and cost issues linked to in-class training.
Our expert medical team is draws on from a rich experience on providing hyperbaric oxygen treatment.

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